All the Heroes Cemeteries maintained by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Vanni had been completely razed to the ground and all the graves, memorial plaques and the dais where the Common Flame is lit on Heroes Day have been totally destroyed.
Bulldozed grounds of LTTE War Hereoes Cemetery in Visuvamadu, destroyed by the SLA.
The SLA is very particular in erecting its bases on the grounds where Tamil Hereos cemeteries had stood so that nothing remains to remind the fighters who had sacrificed their lives for the cause.
LTTE war heroes' memorials in Jaffna peninsula at Koappaay were bulldozed by the Sri Lanka Army in 1995. The other cemeteries destroyed in Jaffna were: Chaaddi in Veala'nai (1995), Kodikaamam in Thenmaraadchi (1996) and Ellangku'lam in Vadamaraadchi (1996). These war cemeteries were re-built following the February 2002 Ceasefire Agreement.
The war heroes cemeteries located at Kagnchikudichcha'ru in Ampaa'rai district, Thaa'ndiyadi, Tharavai, Ka'ndaladi and Maavadi Munmaari in Batticaloa district and Aalangku'lam, Iththikku'lam, Verukal, Uppaa'ru and Paalampoaddaa'ru Trincomalee district were destroyed after the SLA occupied LTTE held areas in the East in 2006 and 2007.
In Vanni, there were at least ten War Heroes Cemeteries. The cemeteries were located in Aa'ndaangku’lam and Pa’ndivirichchaan in Mannaar, Kanakapuram and Muzhangkaavil in Ki’linochchi district, Uduththu’rai in Vadamaraadchi East of Jaffna district, Eachchangku’lam in Vavuniyaa and four at Vanni-vizhaangku’lam, Visuvamadu, A’lampil, and Mu’l’liyava’lai of Mullaiththeevu district.
During the last battles of Eezham War IV, when genocidal attacks were launched from all fronts by the Sri Lankan military, the Tiger fighters killed in the war were buried at Ira’naippaalai and at Iraddaivaaykkaal in Mullaiththeevu.
The Sri Lanka Army bulldozed the Heroes Cemetery at Visuvamadu between March and April 2009. The SLA captured Tamil civilians of Vanni, who were made to pass through Visuvamadu on 21st of April 2009, before reaching internment camps in Vavuniyaa, had witnessed the complete destruction of the largest Maaveerar Thuyilum illam in Visuvamadu, where more than 4,000 war dead Tamil fighters had been buried by the Tigers.
LTTE war heroes' memorials in Jaffna peninsula at Koappaay were bulldozed by the Sri Lanka Army in 1995. The other cemeteries destroyed in Jaffna were: Chaaddi in Veala'nai (1995), Kodikaamam in Thenmaraadchi (1996) and Ellangku'lam in Vadamaraadchi (1996). These war cemeteries were re-built following the February 2002 Ceasefire Agreement.
The war heroes cemeteries located at Kagnchikudichcha'ru in Ampaa'rai district, Thaa'ndiyadi, Tharavai, Ka'ndaladi and Maavadi Munmaari in Batticaloa district and Aalangku'lam, Iththikku'lam, Verukal, Uppaa'ru and Paalampoaddaa'ru Trincomalee district were destroyed after the SLA occupied LTTE held areas in the East in 2006 and 2007.
In Vanni, there were at least ten War Heroes Cemeteries. The cemeteries were located in Aa'ndaangku’lam and Pa’ndivirichchaan in Mannaar, Kanakapuram and Muzhangkaavil in Ki’linochchi district, Uduththu’rai in Vadamaraadchi East of Jaffna district, Eachchangku’lam in Vavuniyaa and four at Vanni-vizhaangku’lam, Visuvamadu, A’lampil, and Mu’l’liyava’lai of Mullaiththeevu district.
During the last battles of Eezham War IV, when genocidal attacks were launched from all fronts by the Sri Lankan military, the Tiger fighters killed in the war were buried at Ira’naippaalai and at Iraddaivaaykkaal in Mullaiththeevu.
The Sri Lanka Army bulldozed the Heroes Cemetery at Visuvamadu between March and April 2009. The SLA captured Tamil civilians of Vanni, who were made to pass through Visuvamadu on 21st of April 2009, before reaching internment camps in Vavuniyaa, had witnessed the complete destruction of the largest Maaveerar Thuyilum illam in Visuvamadu, where more than 4,000 war dead Tamil fighters had been buried by the Tigers.